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With all these modern films in older series, I’ve recently been on a kick of watching those installments/original films that came out before I was born in the 90’s. Like Alien/Aliens, Mad Max! I’m loving the slow film-making of these (IDK if that’s the way to describe it, but scenes that are a bit more fleshed out and seem to take their time without feeling plodding) but that they still build tension and drama amid this slower style. I’d love some recommendations of films from vaguely this era that don’t have a modern incarnation that would pull me back to them, but have that great patience in them.
If you want some more vibes to go off of, I’m a fan of thrillers and action: I like feeling the stress and tension of the characters but with payoffs in action to break it up occasionally. Setting is pretty secondary to me here, but I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy. Horror tends to be something I don’t seek out, but I deeply enjoy if it’s really about the tension. Also, I love practical effects.
— postal95