Price of Glory adds a new character in the form of mech general Worp

- Price of Glory, the asynchronous Heroes of Might and Magic-like, is introducing a new character
- The mechanical Worp serves as a new general and will teleport units around the map
- His special ability and costs ensure he’ll be a powerful addition to any army
While Songs of Conquest may be the big new release that’s heading to mobile for fans of the Heroes of Might and Magic formula we shouldn’t forget about those that have quietly plugged away at this niche. And one of them, Price of Glory, is set to introduce a major new character in the form of mechanoid hero Worp!
Worp may be mechanical in nature, but he’s very much sentient and serves as the latest general to join your roster. And if you hadn’t guessed already by his name, his unique ability is to teleport units around the battlefield at will. This is a real game-changer as you can imagine and makes him a powerful new general for any army.
It also fits in with the stated asynchronous gameplay of Price of Glory. Much like the spiritual predecessor Heroes of Might and Magic, you’ll mix up standard medieval tactics with the addition of more fantastical abilities to dramatically change the way you duke it out. Whether that’s repositioning powerful, but slow units, reinforcing frontlines and more!
Floating across water
Price of Glory is one of those releases that has sadly slid under our radar a bit. Which is a shame because the Heroes of Might and Magic formula is one that has borne remaking and revamping, as the aforementioned Songs of Conquest demonstrates. So a new character that dramatically changes up gameplay I’m sure will draw some of you in to give it a go!
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