The Pocket Gamer Podcast (S2) Episode 10 – Monster Hunter Outlanders and ‘Mobile First’ design

It’s the tenth episode, of arguably our second series, of our long running podcast, this week with a skeleton staff of Dann and Iwan chatting about mobile games and more.
What is mobile first design? If you ask certain big publishers then they have a very different answer than the likes of Capcom – who regularly outsource their mobile works. Mobile, for many publishers means casual or hybrid casual, while for others its a lesser, but more complex platform.
You can listen to the podcast below, through the Spotify embed, or head over to our Spotify Page – while there you can follow us, which’ll actually get the new podcasts pushed to you as they’re uploaded (which means you can give it a listen before we’ve even got the story live on the website). We’re also going to be looking at more ways of getting it to you over the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled for that.